Part 7 of 10 : Media Control

Greybeard the 3rd
2 min readJan 3, 2021

I used to have faith in the media. That was before curiosity got the best of me and I did a deep dive into the 6 preceding parts of this this series over 10 years ago.

Professors, authors, researchers have poured their lives into uncovering truth around these issues. Victims and whistle-blowers come forward with the same information year after year. Still, these subjects are rarely, if ever, covered in the establishment media. Or they are covered in a way that actually distorts the truth. Over and over, the mainstream “trusted” news is used to protect the guilty.

If we want to understand what is happening in our world — these questions can be very helpful:

ONE: Who owns the MEDIA and what are the stories it doesn’t tell you?

TWO: Why did Jefferson say that CENTRAL BANKS are more dangerous than standing armies?

THREE: What was the role of SECRET SOCIETIES in the history of Europe and the United States?

FOUR: Are WHISTLE-BLOWERS actually safe and free to speak the truth?

FIVE: What were the 10 most impactful FALSE FLAGS of the past 100 years?


SEVEN: Why is child TRAFFICKING/slavery/abuse so common in high levels of corporate, media, and political power?

These seven questions point to a very different world, and they point to a small group of people that, arguably, have more power and influence than political leaders.

Edward Snowden is one of the most famous whistle-blowers of all time. He put himself at tremendous risk to expose the national and global surveillance apparatus. He chose the journalist Glen Greenwald to help him bring his story to the world.

Since then, Glen Greenwald co-founded The Intercept, a media platform that was free from all censorship. A media platform that would not bow down to, or distort, or hide truth for any corrupt person, corporation, or government.

In October of 2020 Glen Greenwald resigned from the company he co-created, due to censorship.

He appeared on national television on Oct 29th, 2020 where he described not only the censorship at his own media outlet, but also the influence of the CIA on our media.

Censorship is the end of free speech. Why is freedom of speech covered in the 1st amendment of the constitution? Because if freedom of speech is lost, other rights will be lost as well.

This series is about information. It is not about any political party or candidate. It is about incredibly important information that is rarely part of the political discussion.

If we can’t get the facts, how can we make the right decision?

“I believe in the American People, the key is to bring the the real facts…” Abraham Lincoln.

I am optimistic. I believe that a world of peace and justice are possible. I absolutely believe that peace and justice are worth working for.

But I don’t think it will ever come if we allow ourselves to be fooled by liars and deceivers.

